Digital Art
Digital art is work made with digital technology or presented on digital technology. This includes images done completely on computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a computer and finished using a software program like Adobe Illustrator. Digital art can also involve animation and 3D virtual sculpture renderings as well as projects that combine several technologies. Some digital art involves manipulation of video images.
The term 'digital art' was first used in the 1980s in connection to an early computer painting program. (This was long before they were called apps, mind you!) It's a method of art-making that lends itself to a multimedia format because it can potentially be viewed in many ways, including on TV and the Internet, on computers, and on multiple social media platforms. In short, digital art is a sort of merger between art and technology. It allows many new ways to make art.
Art has crossed all boundaries because it is one of the few things where the meaning can be solely defined by the viewer. The advancements in digital technology allow the artist to create a piece that can now be seen and appreciated all over the world. Digital art has not only expanded the defining of art but has increased the accessibility of art to the world.
What is Digital Art?Digital art is like any other art. It just is created using different tools than the more traditional arts. Art is not about the tools used to create it. It is about the vision, message, or emotion of the artist. Photography is a medium through which artist’s may create art. Likewise, a computer is just a medium or tool through which an artist can express his/her vision of line, form, color, composition and rhythm.
An artist chooses the medium (oils, watercolors, or pixels) she wants to use. When the digital artist, has mastery over the tools and technologies [software, equipment, etc.], she can go beyond “taking a digital picture” or “applying an effect” and create art – an individual expression of her vision.
Digital Art falls into three basic categories: digital painting, digital photography & darkroom, and fractals. There are several subcategories and, of course, the artist can combine any and all to create their own unique vision.
Below are descriptions from the Digital Fine Arts Society of New Mexico which accurately describes the various types of Digital Fine Art. Digital Photography, Photopainting, and Integrated Digital Art which characterize my work are, of course, discussed first.
Digital Photography
The artist uses a digital or conventional camera. The photographs are digitized and translated to the computer environment where the artist uses image editing and special effects software to perform darkroom type manipulations.
An artist chooses the medium (oils, watercolors, or pixels) she wants to use. When the digital artist, has mastery over the tools and technologies [software, equipment, etc.], she can go beyond “taking a digital picture” or “applying an effect” and create art – an individual expression of her vision.
Digital Art falls into three basic categories: digital painting, digital photography & darkroom, and fractals. There are several subcategories and, of course, the artist can combine any and all to create their own unique vision.
Below are descriptions from the Digital Fine Arts Society of New Mexico which accurately describes the various types of Digital Fine Art. Digital Photography, Photopainting, and Integrated Digital Art which characterize my work are, of course, discussed first.
Digital Photography
The artist uses a digital or conventional camera. The photographs are digitized and translated to the computer environment where the artist uses image editing and special effects software to perform darkroom type manipulations.
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