I dug holes with pick and shovel and digging bar, I lugged soil and rocks , I climbed ladders to mount air plants and orchids. hand watering daily hand watering tree firms daily anthurians
.single trunk aclumping palma and bambo bananas ytree ferns bromeliads especially arengo microcarpa used ferns arroids anthuriams and heliconies gingers philodrendrons palms climbing trailing arroids. massive clumping arenga palms and clumping fishtail palms and pandantis.multiple use of arenga pinata because thay were fast heart and multiple trunked inpenetratabe and they looked lik there were scart thigs living in ther.thigs that mighr eat you or scare you to death if you saw them,. they were home t many plants and animals. the nysterious frog mouth rimitive bird wiperwhill. cycads pinate and palmate leaves big smapp green blue green palmate and pinnate leaves selected very ther variety o color textures leafvpatterns, flowering and seeding elephant ears alocahisas forest of licula grandis .
frogs snakes spiders scorpions walking sticks, land mollusks, butterflys moths birds acoons opossums lizard skinks, anoles turtles
on the subject pf environment and sustainabilityTHE ARTIFACT Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden is an artifact made by me, a tool or ornament showing my workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object
A sespecially : an object remaining from a particular periodPeriod of paving over Key West
sink hole containing prehistoric artifacts sink hole with clay at ther bottom good enough to throw on the wheel and make a bowl did down to the water table and because the so sugar ock and calay then watera sink hple made of sugar rok and c\llay and slensr eo fresh water.
:Nancy Forresters Secret Garden resulting from a particular human endeavor, period, trend, and individualNancy Forrester
environmentalism is an artifact of human culture, devised tto spur activism negotiate social relations.
The memory of Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden as a visionary environment is an artifact of a quaint and lost world. A memory arising from an earlier time especially when some regarde it asas no longer appropriate, relevant, or important but whose story is more relevant than ever before.
I dug holes with pick and shovel and digging bar, I lugged soil and rocks , I climbed ladders to mount air plants and orchids. hand watering daily hand watering tree firms daily anthurians
.single trunk aclumping palma and bambo bananas ytree ferns bromeliads especially arengo microcarpa used ferns arroids anthuriams and heliconies gingers philodrendrons palms climbing trailing arroids. massive clumping arenga palms and clumping fishtail palms and pandantis.multiple use of arenga pinata because thay were fast heart and multiple trunked inpenetratabe and they looked lik there were scart thigs living in ther.thigs that mighr eat you or scare you to death if you saw them,. they were home t many plants and animals. the nysterious frog mouth rimitive bird wiperwhill. cycads pinate and palmate leaves big smapp green blue green palmate and pinnate leaves selected very ther variety o color textures leafvpatterns, flowering and seeding elephant ears alocahisas forest of licula grandis .
frogs snakes spiders scorpions walking sticks, land mollusks, butterflys moths birds acoons opossums lizard skinks, anoles turtles
on the subject pf environment and sustainabilityTHE ARTIFACT Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden is an artifact made by me, a tool or ornament showing my workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object
A sespecially : an object remaining from a particular periodPeriod of paving over Key West
sink hole containing prehistoric artifacts sink hole with clay at ther bottom good enough to throw on the wheel and make a bowl did down to the water table and because the so sugar ock and calay then watera sink hple made of sugar rok and c\llay and slensr eo fresh water.
:Nancy Forresters Secret Garden resulting from a particular human endeavor, period, trend, and individualNancy Forrester
environmentalism is an artifact of human culture, devised tto spur activism negotiate social relations.
The memory of Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden as a visionary environment is an artifact of a quaint and lost world. A memory arising from an earlier time especially when some regarde it asas no longer appropriate, relevant, or important but whose story is more relevant than ever before.
PLANT MATERIAL USED No brick no pavers no lights no art in the garden John Martini no guardidian at three paths no garden labeling gateanthurianssingle trunk aclumping palma and bambo bananas ytree ferns bromeliads especially arengo microcarpa used ferns arroids anthuriams and heliconies gingers philodrendrons palms climbing trailing arroids. massive clumping arenga palms and clumping fishtail palms and pandantis.multiple use of arenga pinata because thay were fast heart and multiple trunked inpenetratabe and they looked lik there were scart thigs living in ther.thigs that mighr eat you or scare you to death if you saw them,. they were home t many plants and animals. the nysterious frog mouth rimitive bird wiperwhill. cycads pinate and palmate leaves big smapp green blue green palmate and pinnate leaves selected very ther variety o color textures leafvpatterns, flowering and seeding elephant ears alocahisas forest of licula grandis .
frogs snakes spiders scorpions walking sticks, land mollusks, butterflys moths birds acoons opossums lizard skinks, anoles turtles
on the subject pf environment and sustainability
Inspired by site specific art Charleston , Daryl Charmin Spe;ll of the sensous, Joseph Campbell THE ARTIFACT Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden was a a tool or ornament crafted by me. I dug the holes with pick, shovel and digging bar, I lugged soil and rocks. I climbed ladders to mount air plants and orchids. I hand water the new plants until they got established in rainy season. I hand watered the big tree ferns every day for years as required. I fertilized the orchids.
I created a labyrinth of private paths leading to small garden rooms. I created a place that felt like wilderness. It had mystery, it delivered surprises and the possibility of hidden scary things. I used lush exotic rainforest plants to achieve density. Between hurricanes I was successful in creating a dense biomass that offered a person private moments with wild nature. I loved the multiple trunk plant pandanis that did have scary things living inits tight spiny clump. As Charles Kuralt said "you could get lost in the beauty of the place." Yes, it was beautiful and yes you could lose your orientation and feel lost in my green wilderness with high density city life obscured right next door. I was successful in setting the stage for my environment messaging and hoping to spur activism and sustainability.
1993 Christmas Day Opening of Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden,
1993 to 2012 Many environmentally themed events took place, visual art shows were held in my Gallery at 518 and the Cook House cottage, there was a annual Jan. rare palm show and sale held for 18 years, there was an annual Mar week of creative Writing In The Garden held for 18 years, Life drawing classes, many weddings, bar mitzvahs, memorial services, human ashes spread, catered dinner for the President of Exxon, fancy photo shoots, a Verizon commercial.
And yes, I engaged with the visiting public everyday as an artist. I provided story telling the oldest art form know to man.
frogs snakes spiders scorpions walking sticks, land mollusks, butterflys moths birds acoons opossums lizard skinks, anoles turtles
on the subject pf environment and sustainability
Inspired by site specific art Charleston , Daryl Charmin Spe;ll of the sensous, Joseph Campbell THE ARTIFACT Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden was a a tool or ornament crafted by me. I dug the holes with pick, shovel and digging bar, I lugged soil and rocks. I climbed ladders to mount air plants and orchids. I hand water the new plants until they got established in rainy season. I hand watered the big tree ferns every day for years as required. I fertilized the orchids.
I created a labyrinth of private paths leading to small garden rooms. I created a place that felt like wilderness. It had mystery, it delivered surprises and the possibility of hidden scary things. I used lush exotic rainforest plants to achieve density. Between hurricanes I was successful in creating a dense biomass that offered a person private moments with wild nature. I loved the multiple trunk plant pandanis that did have scary things living inits tight spiny clump. As Charles Kuralt said "you could get lost in the beauty of the place." Yes, it was beautiful and yes you could lose your orientation and feel lost in my green wilderness with high density city life obscured right next door. I was successful in setting the stage for my environment messaging and hoping to spur activism and sustainability.
1993 Christmas Day Opening of Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden,
1993 to 2012 Many environmentally themed events took place, visual art shows were held in my Gallery at 518 and the Cook House cottage, there was a annual Jan. rare palm show and sale held for 18 years, there was an annual Mar week of creative Writing In The Garden held for 18 years, Life drawing classes, many weddings, bar mitzvahs, memorial services, human ashes spread, catered dinner for the President of Exxon, fancy photo shoots, a Verizon commercial.
And yes, I engaged with the visiting public everyday as an artist. I provided story telling the oldest art form know to man.
I Would Love to Have You Visit Soon!
Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden
Home of Key West Parrots
518 Elizabeth Street, Key West, Florida 33040
HoursEveryday: Including Holidays 10 am - 3 pm