A non profit with three programs was formed to save PARCELL A B and C from development. The Greensong Program protected the land, plants and living creatures that depended on the place for their life, the I Love Parrots Program protected and enhanced the lives orphaned parrots and the Artist in Residency Program invited artists with environmentally themed work to stay in the Cook House Cottage and present their work on site. Fundraisers were held at Tropic Cinema and in the Garden. People from The Trust for Public Land were summoned. They loved it but were over committed to projects. Surdna Foundation was interested but we did not quite mesh. A small group of very dedicated local people helped but there was not enough support to save the place and it's mission. At the same time Key West people were being rallied to resurrect the Key West Botanical Garden on Stock Island and being rallied to start Studios of Key West. All the movers and shakers were partying mightily around those endeavors.
The Parcells I had purchased in 1969 for $20,000 were valued in 2008 at 3 million. I was three years behind in my property taxes and headed for foreclosure. I noticed that during the time I was open the local female politicians came to visit often. The male politicians did not. Wilhelmina Harvey made me an honorary Conch. Mayor McPhearson honored me for my work in a City Hall Ceremony. I do not remember if he visited the garden.
2008 to 2012. I stayed in that precarious position for 3 years.
2012 my lawyer asked me if I knew anyone who might be interested in the buying the place. Pritam came tp mind.
A non profit with three programs was formed to save PARCELL A B and C from development. The Greensong Program protected the land, plants and living creatures that depended on the place for their life, the I Love Parrots Program protected and enhanced the lives orphaned parrots and the Artist in Residency Program invited artists with environmentally themed work to stay in the Cook House Cottage and present their work on site. Fundraisers were held at Tropic Cinema and in the Garden. People from The Trust for Public Land were summoned. They loved it but were over committed to projects. Surdna Foundation was interested but we did not quite mesh. A small group of very dedicated local people helped but there was not enough support to save the place and it's mission. At the same time Key West people were being rallied to resurrect the Key West Botanical Garden on Stock Island and being rallied to start Studios of Key West. All the movers and shakers were partying mightily around those endeavors.
The Parcells I had purchased in 1969 for $20,000 were valued in 2008 at 3 million. I was three years behind in my property taxes and headed for foreclosure. I noticed that during the time I was open the local female politicians came to visit often. The male politicians did not. Wilhelmina Harvey made me an honorary Conch. Mayor McPhearson honored me for my work in a City Hall Ceremony. I do not remember if he visited the garden.
2008 to 2012. I stayed in that precarious position for 3 years.
2012 my lawyer asked me if I knew anyone who might be interested in the buying the place. Pritam came tp mind.
I Would Love to Have You Visit Soon!
Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden
Home of Key West Parrots
518 Elizabeth Street, Key West, Florida 33040
HoursEveryday: Including Holidays 10 am - 3 pm